ITIL® 4 Leader: Digital and IT Strategy (DITS)

Class available live online

Beyond20 wrote the book on digital and IT strategy — literally. Three of the authors for AXELOS’ official ITIL 4 DITS publication are full-time members of our staff. If you’re looking to get certified by the world’s foremost experts on the subject, join us for the discussion during our next-gen virtual ITIL 4 Leader: Digital & IT Strategy training course. White glove service included. Designed for current and aspiring digital leaders.

3 Day Course
Exam-Pass Guarantee
Exam Voucher Included
16 PDUs
Award-Winning Instructors
Industry-Leading Courseware

Next-Gen Online ITIL Training

ITIL 4 DITS Training Course

The ITIL 4 DITS training course is one of two courses required to earn your ITIL 4 Strategic Leader certification. You’ll learn how to become more flexible and adapt to the ever-changing technological environment. You’ll also see how technological disruption impacts organizations and how successful business leaders respond.

Key Features of ITIL Training Exam Pass Guarantee

Exam Pass Guarantee

3 Days of Virtual Training
Exam Voucher Included
Award-Winning Instructors
Accredited Training Organization


No public courses are currently scheduled, but we can deliver this course onsite at your location. Contact us for a quote.

Your ITIL 4 Instructor

Looking to train your whole team?


We sure did. Three out of seven authors for ITIL 4 DITS are full-time Beyond20 staff members, including our Principal, Erika Flora, a Lead Editor of this AXELOS publication. Moreover, we’re a part of the formal process of approving other ITIL DITS instructors.

ITIL DITS will focus on how we align digital business strategy with IT strategy. It also covers how technological disruption affects organizations in every industry – and cites the ways business leaders respond to such disruption.

So, you want to become an ITIL Master, young grasshopper? This course is one of two requirements for the ITIL 4 Strategic Leader (SL) certification. After taking both courses, you can take the SL certification course + exam.

itil 4 certification schema

This intermediate ITIL course is available to anyone who has passed the ITIL 4 Foundation exam and has at least three years of managerial experience.

Everyone in the whole world. More specifically, this module is designed to help current and aspiring IT leaders implement effective IT and digital strategy. This includes roles like CIO, CEO, CMO, chief digital officer, chief data officer, and other senior / strategic IT leaders. It is also useful for ITSM directors, IT consultants, IT and SMO managers, and other IT staff.

Yes. There are, in fact, two parts to earning the credential. The first is an in-class assessment (a case study-based group presentation) and the second part is the exam itself. The DITS exam includes 30 multiple-choice questions, and students are given 60 minutes to complete the exam online. To pass, you need to get 21 out of 30 questions (or 70%) correct.

If you pass both parts – the in-class practical assignments and the exam – you will earn the “ITIL 4 Leader: Digital and IT Strategy” designation. If you already hold the “ITIL 4: Direct, Plan, and Improve” certification, you will then earn a second designation, that of “ITIL 4 Strategic Leader”

Our ITIL 4 Intermediate training courses come with an Exam Pass Guarantee: If you fail the exam on your first attempt, we will help you set up a retake at no additional cost. We will also help you identify areas of weakness so you can optimize your study efforts. If need be, you may also attend the training course again – on us.

This is a 3-day course!

A few days before class, you will receive an email with details on how to access our virtual training room, and physical courseware will be delivered to your shipping address.

Our virtual classes are instructed in a way that mirrors the experience you would get from an in-person course. That way, students remain fully engaged and the information sticks! Our virtual training courses are packed with interactive whiteboards, breakout rooms, virtual sticky note walls, and more to help ensure your success on the exam.

Individuals who hold the PMP certification will earn 24 PDUs through the course. What’s nice about the DITS course is that all of the PDUs are under the “Strategic” area of focus, which satisfies one of the harder categories as a to get as a project manager, so that’s pretty cool.

You will receive a comprehensive ITIL 4 workbook, a bunch of exercises, flashcards, and all-you-can-eat bagels!

Why Beyond20

Subject Matter Expertise

We understand that your goal is to learn effectively and get certified in one shot. After all, certification training can be a substantial investment. As such, it’s critical to us that you learn from someone who will help you retain key concepts and get you across the finish line efficiently.

But at the same time, who wants to take a boring class? If we’re going to spend a lot of time looking at screens, the material should at least be engaging. That’s why we’re hyper-focused on bringing variety to your virtual training experience. People learn differently, so we use several methods to teach concepts throughout the day.

White Glove Service

We all know that bad customer service is one of the most frustrating things there is. That’s why we’ve endeavored to create the kind of training experience that we would want for ourselves.

We're a US-based organization with offices in DC, Phoenix, and San Diego. Come through! Otherwise, we'll be happy to meet you virtually.

Rest assured: At Beyond20, our instructors are some of the world’s best. Not only do our full-time, in-house training staff have decades of experience in the field, but in many cases, we are the official authors of authoritative publications (e.g., ITIL). Working with Beyond20 means learning from the top subject matter experts out there. It means training and taking your exams with confidence.

Next-Gen Virtual Training

Depending on the course, this can include interactive whiteboards, breakout rooms, virtual sticky note walls, and more. We take this approach not only because it's more fun than simply memorizing terms, but because it works.

From the instant that you first reach out to us with a quick question, to that glorious moment when you learn you’ve earned the certification, our job is to make sure that every interaction you have with us is a positive one. If you look at our hundreds of Google-verified reviews, you’ll see that we take it seriously! Beyond20 is not a risky choice.

If you're PMP-certified, our courses will earn you PDUs!

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